Service and Charity

December 20 Round-Up

Our Senior Boys Basketball team end the year ranked number 1 in the province and the whole school gets in the spirit of giving!

Senior School Winter Spirit Week

Our Senior Student Council have multiple initiatives lined up, several of which will support the Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver.

Winter Market 2024 Raises An Incredible $3,800 for Charity

Students, staff and parents popped in throughout the day to purchase the edible delights on offer as well as toys, homemade Christmas crafts and stocking fillers available to buy!

SJS Winter Clothing Donation Drive for Mom2Mom

A team of our parents are gearing up to host a donation drive to support local charity Mom2Mom!

The SJS Senior Student Council 2024–2025

As they begin their duties, we introduce the dynamic dozen that form our Student Council for this academic year!

Almost Time to Run for Terry Fox

On Friday, September 20, our school will again proudly take part in the annual Terry Fox School Run, joining thousands of schools across Canada to raise funds for cancer research.

Grade 10s Secure $5,000 Grant for Local Charity the Food Stash Foundation

Grade 10 students have been working in groups to learn about social issues that are prevalent in our local community, and engaging with charities who support people who are affected. This week saw the final two teams present to their peers hoping to secure a $5,000 grant for their charity and the programs they provide.